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Changes coming to Owen County's free disposal voucher program

Owen County, Ky.

OWENTON, Kentucky (Jan. 13, 2023) — Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023, residents and landowners participating in the Free Disposal Voucher Program may pick up their vouchers at the Owen County Transfer Station, 1 Cross St., Owenton, KY 40359.

Since the program's inception, vouchers have been mailed directly to each participant. The change in delivery will ensure each participant has received their voucher promptly, as well as cut costs associated with mailing the vouchers.

"As with any new program, the first couple of years are trial and error," said Owen County Judge/Executive Casey Ellis. "The changes implemented for 2023 will make participating in the program simpler for our residents and landowners with the convenience of picking up your disposal voucher right when you need it."

Each household in Owen County is eligible for one disposal voucher per calendar year, which household members may use up to four times within that year. Landowners also qualify for the program.

You do not need to resubmit your information if you have already signed up for the program. Only those who have moved should reapply. Those who have never applied may do so by filling out the online form at

The following rules apply: • You must be an Owen County resident OR own property in Owen County to participate. • Only one (1) voucher will be issued per household/property address. • Upon arrival at the transfer station, you must show an attendee your voucher and driver's license. An attendee will punch your card and allow you to continue. • Trailers over 30' will not be permitted access to free dumping. • As always, household trash and tires are never free. • A $5 reprinting fee will be charged for lost vouchers.



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