Public Transit
Owen County Public Transit (OCPT) is available to the public in Owen, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Boone, Kenton, Campbell and Pendleton counties with on-demand transportation services. Transportation to large cities outside your area for medical appointments, shopping, banking, employment, etc. is also available. Language assistance is provided at no cost.
Follow the links below to learn more about our award-winning service. To make an appointment, call 502-750-2828.
Services Provided
Recipients must contact Federated Transportation Services
of the Bluegrass (FTSB) at (888) 848-0989 or (859) 258-2722
Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (by appointment only)
General Public Transit
Veteran Medical Appointments
Services Not Provided:
Deviated Fixed Route
Fixed Route
Charter Services
Services Requiring Authorization
Deviated General Public Transports With and Without Disabilities
Out-of-State Transports
OCPT Code of Conduct for All Passengers
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy
Civil Rights Title VI Beneficiary Notice
Reasonable Modification and Accommodation
Anyone may submit a request to Owen County Public Transit (OCPT) for an ADA/§504 reasonable modification or accommodation by completing and submitting OCPT ADA§504 Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Request Form (“Request”). The Requestor must state in detail what accommodation/modification s/he requires to equally access OCPT services or programs. If the request lacks the requisite detail, the requestor may be contacted for additional information. A request may be administratively closed if the requestor cannot provide the requested information or if the requestor no longer wishes to pursue their request.
Owen County Public Transit — Operations
210 E. Blanton St.
Owenton, KY 40359
Hours: 6 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday
Saturday: Must be approved by administrator
Phone: 502-750-2828
Fax: 502-484-1004
Email: publictransit@owencountyky.us
Owen County Public Transit — Administration
100 N. Thomas St.
Owenton, KY 40359
Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday
Phone: 502-484-3405
Fax: 502-484-1004
Email: ptadm@owencountyky.us