Free Disposal Voucher Program
2025 UPDATE:
If you picked-up your free disposal voucher in 2024, you DO NOT need to reapply in 2025.
All cards will be available at the Owen County Transfer Station, 1 Cross St., Owenton, KY 40359.
If you have moved and need to update your information, please fill out the form below or in person at the Transfer Station.
If you have never applied for a disposal voucher and live in or own property in Owen County, please fill out the following form below or in person at the Transfer Station.
Beginning in 2021, any Owen County resident who wishes to take part in free disposal at the Owen County Transfer Station MUST fill out the following form. Once the form is received, a voucher card will be prepared and will be available to you at the Owen County Transfer Station, 1 Cross St., Owenton, KY 40359.
The voucher card is good for one (1) calendar year and may be used up to four (4) times within that year. If you plan to take part in free dumping, you MUST present your voucher along with a valid driver's license to the attendee at the Owen County Transfer Station. The attendee will punch your card each time it is presented. After four punches, the voucher card is no longer valid.
The voucher program is for Owen County residents and property owners only. Those who cannot provide a valid Owen County address will not be permitted to participate in the voucher program. Only one (1) voucher card will be issued per person, per address.
The following rules apply:
• You must be an Owen County resident OR own property in Owen County to participate.
• Only one (1) voucher will be issued per household/property address.
• Upon arrival at the transfer station, you must show an attendee your voucher and driver’s license. An attendee will punch your card and allow you to continue.
• Trailers over 20’ will not be permitted access to free dumping.
• As always, household trash and tires are never free.